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Economic Analyses, Forecasts and Country Risk on more than 150 countries with AI decision tools


Country risk: What is the level of risk for our 100 emerging countries?
Get the latest updates on our risk premia, new crisis signals, and regional analysis using our advanced quantitative tools.
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Emerging markets most exposed to the impact of Trumpism
Find out the ranking of the 20 most vulnerable emerging countries.
Read the Moci article
February 2025: what you may have missed
Discover a selection of country risk, geopolitical and economic issues covered by our teams.
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Trump changes the game: taxes and Ukraine take centre stage
Analysis of the US President's key announcements by Léa Dauphas on BFM Bourse.
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Our Products and Services

A large volume of economic and financial data and indicators, ratings and forecasts based on TAC models on 150+ countries

Currency, cyclical, cross-border payment and political risks for 100 developing countries and emerging markets

Macroeconomic analyses and global view, scenarios and economic forecasts, risk analyses and key bifurcation points

A quantitative system to evaluate, anticipate, and manage geopolitical risks with advanced tools.

Currency forecasts for advanced and emerging markets, real-time exchange rate alerts and market analysis

A country risk tool integrating ESG risks with 100 indicators to measure E, S, and G components across 150+ countries

AI-generated early warning signals for equity markets, sovereign and corporate spreads, and reversal risks

Risk assessment of both counterparty risks of individual banks and systemic risks at the country level

Trusted by the world’s largest banks, companies and asset managers

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