Research and Academic Activities

Most analysts are engaged in academic research and teaching activities

Teaching Activities

Most of our researchers and analysts are engaged in academic activities with teaching assignments, usually at Master’s degree level, in their respective areas of specialization. They are also regularly solicited as Jury members for PhD dissertations.

This ensures both a full scientific approach to issues and questions that we look at, and a permanent awareness of scientific advances and new ideas. It is also a way of transmitting and enhancing knowledge by sharing our experience with students and being challenged by them!

Research and Networks

We strongly believes in collaborative research and cross-fertilization and we are therefore active members of different networks of economists, quantitative researchers and international analysts. Our staff are members or associate members of the following institutions.

Forecasting Financial Markets

TAC ECONOMICS has been supporting the Forecasting Financial Markets (FFM) conference and association since 2010, and Sylvain Barthélémy is a member of their scientific committee. The 2024 edition of the International Forecasting Financial Markets conference will take place on 11, 12 and 13 September in beautiful Worcester College in the heart of Oxford, UK  Check out the conference site here:

Centre for Research in Economy & Management

The CREM (UMR 6210) is a French lab, based in Rennes (University of Rennes 1, France), and dedicated to research in economy and management. TAC ECONOMICS has been working with the lab since 2021.

Rennes Data Science

The purpose of the association is to organize actions to promote training, research and innovation in data science and artificial intelligence in Rennes. TAC ECONOMICS is a member of the executive committee. The next Data Challenge will be organized in January 2025.

Breizh Macro Club

The Breizh Macro Club brings together economic researchers from the Centre de recherche en économie & management (CREM), as well as economists, companies (TAC ECONOMICS and Crédit Mutuel Arkéa). Find out more:


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