A large volume of economic and financial data and indicators, ratings and forecasts based on TAC models on 150+ countries
Currency, cyclical, cross-border payment and political risks for 100 developing countries and emerging markets
Macroeconomic analyses and global view, scenarios and economic forecasts, risk analyses and key bifurcation points
A quantitative system to evaluate, anticipate, and manage geopolitical risks with advanced tools.
Currency forecasts for advanced and emerging markets, real-time exchange rate alerts and market analysis
A country risk tool integrating ESG risks with 100 indicators to measure E, S, and G components across 150+ countries
AI-generated early warning signals for equity markets, sovereign and corporate spreads, and reversal risks
Risk assessment of both counterparty risks of individual banks and systemic risks at the country level
A unique combination of fundamental analysis and advanced quantitative tools
We support our clients in developing and deploying innovative solutions for analyzing and managing risks.
Development of AI-driven risk analysis tools leveraging big data and advanced analytics
Design and deployment of AI/ML models for predictive analytics
Implementation of APIs, web applications, and specialized training for data science upskilling
We optimize your international growth strategy with our in-depth studies and decision-making tools:
Strategic analyses of countries and sectors.
Sectoral/Industry forecasts and benchmarking studies
Identification of opportunities and performance evaluation in target markets.